But in order to display it there are some requirements to fufill.
1 Express gratitude to the blogger who bestowed the award unto you. Thanks Hels. I have had to use my grey matter to play here!
2 Display the picture on your blog proudly.

3 Be nice and provide a link to the person who gave it to you.
Thanks you so much. I am not really lazy although I have copied and pasted most of the instructions. Lol.
Here is Hels blog link.
4 Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth, or switch it around and tell six outrageous truths and one outrageous lie.
5 Nominate seven creative writers who might be into doing this. I am passing this one on to Bloggers who make me smile, laugh, emote in some way or another. (direct copy)
6 Post links to the seven blogs you nominate and let the owners of those blogs know:
So here are my Lies &/OR Truths....
- I can fly and am not scared of heights.
- I have the most amazing singing voice. Far to good for Britains got Talent. Have to give everyone else a chance.
- What is an IQ and what is Mensa? (this only makes sense if you read Hel's blog-this is for you Hun-Lol) But I can do the Times Crossword in 10 minutes! Does this count?
- Don't know how anyone can drink cold dry white Sauvignon Blanc?
- I can scuba dive and have spent many hours enjoying the Bermuda reefs.
- I cannot understand how anyone can think Johnny Depp is lush?
True or False?
And without further ado here are my nominees. Hope you don't mind.